Longmen Art Projects 龍門雅集

Inner Nature

2011 Exhibition of Paintings by Heshang - Gao Huijun





  • © Inner Nature 心中的自然
    Gao Huijun,Enlightenment upon the Clouds,Acrylic on Linen,150x200cm,2008 河上·高惠君,清云证悟图,丙烯 亚麻布 河上·高惠君,清雲證悟圖,丙烯 亞麻布
  • © Inner Nature 心中的自然
    Gao Huijun,Serene Panorama,Acrylic on Linen,100x280cm,2010 河上·高惠君,清境万全图,丙烯 亚麻布 河上·高惠君,清境萬全圖,丙烯 亞麻布
  • © Inner Nature 心中的自然
  • © Inner Nature 心中的自然

"Chinese Landscape paintings tend to create artistic ambiences beyond the natural scenery on which they are based. Yearning for isolation and an ideology towards earthliness co-exist peacefully in the world created by the artist. Nature, in reality, can never be as good as in these paintings. For the artist, painting is a quest to find another identity within his or her inner nature. I believe that we should pay careful attention and respectfully treat both contemporary and traditional art. Having said that, my creative direction leans towards avant-garde landscape paintings, separate from the traditional Chinese Landscape paintings. Why is my pseudonym "Heshang"? I often imagine myself as a leaf floating on a river, drifting with the current, going with the flow." - Gao Huijun, December 2011

"中国山水画呈现的是高于自然景色的意境,避世与出世共存,属于心中的自然。而眼前的自然,永不能高过他心中的意境;是创作者在心境中的自然里,努力寻找生命中另一个自我的过程。凭空而来的当代和泥古不化的传统,对我来说,都是值得警惕和审慎对待的。我的创作方向是新的山水画,无愧于中国山水画艺术。 艺名为什么叫“河上”呢?我经常想象着自己就是河水上的一片树叶,随波而流,顺其自然。" - 河上·高惠君2011

"中國山水畫呈現的是高於自然景色的意境,避世與出世共存,屬於心中的自然。而眼前的自然,永不能高過他心中的意境;是創作者在心境中的自然里,努力尋找生命中另一個自我的過程。憑空而來的當代和泥古不化的傳統,對我來說,都是值得警惕和審慎對待的。我的創作方向是新的山水畫,無愧於中國山水畫藝術。 藝名為什麼叫「河上」呢?我經常想象著自己就是河水上的一片樹葉,隨波而流,順其自然。" - 河上·高惠君2011